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Connect to DB


QueryPie offers controlled access to databases within a secure environment. Authorized users can access database connections via the WebSQL editor or a proxy. Access permissions can be granted to individual users or groups of users.

You can utilize the following methods to connect to a database connection and execute queries to fetch data:

Differences between the WebSQL Editor and proxy access

QueryPie offers a WebSQL editor for running queries and viewing data via a web browser in a highly secure and controlled environment. With minimal privileges like data export/import and clipboard copying, users, particularly developers or data analysts, can efficiently handle database tasks within a controlled web environment. This is particularly recommended for production environments containing sensitive information or serving customers, ensuring secure access and query execution.

Proxy access via an agent, on the other hand, allows developers or data professionals to utilize their preferred DB access tools. The agent, installed on the user's desktop, acts as a proxy connection between the database and the client, enabling users to continue using familiar DB client tools. While this provides convenience for developers, it offers less granularity in control compared to the WebSQL editor.

QueryPie also supports agentless access via URL Proxy. This allows web services like Redash, Tableau, and Zepplin to securely connect to your database using URL Proxy credentials generated by QueryPie, ensuring enforcement of access control policies.

In summary, both the WebSQL editor and proxy access methods have their own advantages and limitations. The choice between them depends on factors such as security requirements and user convenience, ensuring the most suitable option for your specific needs.

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